Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rayden is looking hard for his little sister

nope...nothing in here!

Referral Information...

Just letting everyone know who was wondering a little bit about the Russia adoption program. For what I know, it is alot like the China adoption process. We have sent out our dossier which is all of our information that is used when matching our family with a referral. So now, all we do is just wait to get a very very special phone call telling us that we have been matched with a precious little one!!! The current average wait time now is anywhere from 4-8 months. Might be shorter, might be longer...thats all in God's hands! So while we are waiting, we have alot to do. As we thought Lilly would be our last baby girl, we got rid of most of her baby clothes which means...SHOPPING!!! We also have to pick out bedding, a crib, and all of that fun baby stuff!
Another pretty important task would be picking out a name for our little Blessing =]
So much to do with [hopefully] so little time!


  1. Used to follow your blog...and then lost contact! Saw that you had commented on Ashton's blog...and i thought...No way! Russia! Wow have i a lot to catch up on!!

    I don't update my blogs much any more....

    But my mom does : ) I have no clue when the last time was that we chatted...but I'm assuming you knew that we finally brought our girl home from China??

  2. Hi Ally....

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Wow! I remember following your blog when Lillyana was just a little bitty thing! Can't wait to follow y'all to Russia!!


  3. Congratulations on your family's Dossier... it is such a huge step in the process! Can't wait to see 'who' the little sweetie is that God picks out for your family!! Have fun shopping!! ;)

    Oh, and Lilly's "cookies and milk" pjs from a couple posts back are just too cute!!!
